Belong Stay Operations e Hotéis

Belong Stay is a platform that operates in areas of the residential real estate market, offering services to property owners. The company is involved in originating assets, investiment, technology, developing projects, decoration, managing assets to maximize the financial return for their owners.


Choose your apartment

Make your reservation with our sales team.

Check-in in less than 4h

Sign the contract, make the payment digitally and enter the same day.

Live the Belong Experience

We take care of the entire rental process for you!



Careful selection of Belong houses and apartments.


Concierge, housekeeping and cleaning services included in the rental or pay per use price

Furnished and Decorated Apartments

Complete trousseau, furniture designed by renowned architects to make the Belong experience memorable.

Flexible Stay and Contract without Bureaucracy

Stay for days, months, or years. The entire rental process (contract and payment) is done digitally.

Convenience for your home office

We have everything you need to be productive at home. Access to wi-fi in all units, furniture and environments adapted for your convenience and reservation of meeting rooms in some of our developments.

Belong Service24h

Concierge channel facilitates maintenance and service requests for residents.


Pricing, Marketing and Business Intelligence

Operation Belong

Condominium Management


Partnership with Developers


More than 18 years of experience in the real estate sector, director of equity research and investment banking executive at global institutions such as BofA ML, Barclays, UBS and Pactual. He has been working in the multifamily segment since 2016 when he became a partner of JFL Realty, in 2020 he became CEO of Belong stay. Graduated in Mathematics, he holds a master's degree in economics from FGV-RJ.

Guilherme Vilazante

Founder Partner

Graduated in Hospitality Management from FIU and MBA in Strategic Marketing from USP. More than 15 years of experience in the commercial and operational area in hotel chains such as Marriott, Estanplaza, Intercontinental, Radisson, Meliá and Four Seasons in countries such as the USA, Bahrain, United Kingdom. Creci 233711

Ana Paula Abi Jaudi Crawford

CEO and Founding Partner

CEO da Investorise, private equity que atua investindo em startups do segmento de Real Estate. Foi um dos executivos responsáveis pela implementação do Airbnb no Brasil. Formado em Relações Internacionais pela FAAP, pós graduado pela Fundação Dom Cabral.

Stefan Schimenes

Sócio Fundador

Tem histórico de atuação no mercado financeiro e nos últimos anos atuou no segmento de construção e incorporação pela Elglobal Construtora e na Inconew Construtora. Além de ser sócia da Belong é sócia da Bitboundaire, empresa americana atuante no segmento de tecnologia. É também fundadora da ONG focada em educação empreendedora: Instituto Professus. Trabalhou em empresas multinacionais como o BNP Paribas e na Sucden Financial. É formada em Economia e Relações Internacionais pela FAAP, pós graduada em gestão imobiliária pela FIA, mestre em finanças PUC-SP e Professora no MBA em Construction & Real Estate Management pela FAAP (Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado) desde 2022.

Amanda Pina Ferreira

COO & Novos Negócios/Sócia Fundadora

CRM 233711